Pumpkin Ravioli
I have to say it... I am not much of a cook. I would rather do something artsy before I cooked. But I did have the cooking bug bite me yesterday, I was on a mission to make Pumpkin Ravioli.
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Cake Pops {Bites}
While looking around the internet at some really talented people who are baking wonderful tiny desserts, I found this really cute idea to try.Read the full article →
Cake Bites Cont......
Okay I forgot to take a picture of the cake when I was crumbing it and before I made the balls. I am kinda bad at this for blog land people. I will try harder from now on. So I'll just go ahead and just describe what I did....Read the full article →
Cake Bites are done!
Okay now that the cake bites have frozen really hard, it's time to dip themWith a double boiler (or a pot with a metal pan on top) boil the water and melt your candy/almond bark.

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